Discover how all body systems function together to sustain life and fight off disease.
Advance your understanding of functional anatomy and biomechanics of equine locomotion.
Advance your understanding of functional anatomy and biomechanics of canine locomotion.
Understand instinctual and learned behaviours of a horse and how to manage it in a health care practice.
Learn how equine nervous system gathers, integrates & communicates information to support life.
Learn etiology & available treatments of dozens of diseases afflicting canines over the lifespan.
Understand instinctual and learned behaviours of a dog and how to manage it in a health care practice.
Learn the steps of the clinical assessment & the evaluation procedures osteopaths use in animal practice.
Learn etiology & available treatments of dozens of diseases afflicting equines over the lifespan.
Learn how canine nervous system gathers, integrates & communicates information to support life.
Examine core principles of osteopathic philosophy and its significance in osteopathy-based animal care practice.
Examine the significance of five structure-function models as applied to osteopathic diagnosis and treatment.